Saturday, September 27, 2014

Screech's life.

Hello. I am Screech. I know it sounds kind of weird "Screech" and all but Please don't make fun of my name! Please all plushies of Jamaa don't freak out when you see that i'm a night owl. If you think night owl means OWL then your wrong. I'm from Myraid. Not Jamma. Now lets stop with this and start the story.

Screech: Zzzzzzzz

Screech: -Yawns- Well... Time to eat!
Screech: -Flies away-

 Screech: Leaps to prey kills, and eats.
Screech: This rabbit is old anyway... Voice: Help! Help me, somebody please!!! AHHHH!
Screech: Huh?!?! I better go check it out!! -flies away to voice-
Human girl: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Help! Dragon: -Roars and attempts to bite girl-
Screech: -Thinks- Its a human! But it needs help! Screech: -screeches- BACK OFF!
Dragon: -Flies at Screech with teeth bared- Screech: Don't lay a claw on her!!! -scratches dragon enough to scare it off-
Dragon: -sees other humans and flee's- 
Screech: Augh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Other Human: -Whaps Screech with whip- Ya! Get away!!!!!! -takes girl to home- Girl: But wait Mister!!! Screech: -Flies away-
Screech: -flies into nearby cave- 
Screech: -Looks at wound on back- Ow... -huddles up into a corner of cave and sobs-
Why does everyone hate me? I was trying to help her! Why is this so confusing! I want to go home!
Screech: -Hears noise outside of cave-
Screech: Huh? What was that? Who's there? -steps out of cave-

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The greatest adventure yet.

Katie: Anna! I'm so sorry for what I've done! Please please can you forgive me!
Anna: Katie? Your sorry? Of course I forgive you!
Everyone else: Uhhhhh. Anna: Oh! Everyone, this is Katie, my sister, Katie this is everyone!
Katie: I'm so embarrassed right now. 
Anna: So how did you escape? Katie: I would rather not say..
Anna: Katie?!?!? Katie: Nothing!!! Anna: What is wrong with you i'm leaving!
Katie: Anna watch out!!!!! 
 Anna: Huh?

everyone who used to be arctic wolves:

Is what Oli saying true? Are Anna,Jared and Katie humans?!?!?!
Comment what you think is true!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

An interesting day at my new school.

Today i'll tell you a day at my new school!
Anna: Mom! I don't think this school is a good idea! Nancy: Anna! Quit it! Your going to school and there is no stopping me from making you go. Anna: OK..... 
It turns out all my friends were there so now I don't feel as nervous and sad. 
Lucy: So Anna, How do you feel about this school? Anna: It doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would now! Kathy: You will love it! Matthew: Its fine but their are bullies! Anna: Oh no...

When we got there I saw a thing I never thought I would ever see. 
Mister Scales: Hello class! Its good to see you again! Anna: Your teacher is a teeny snake? Mister Scales: Hey! Watch the name calling there Ma'am! Anna: Sorry... Mister Scales: As we all know... its HAPPY MONKEY DAY!!!!! Monkey monkey monkey!!!Everyone:  *groan!* Anna: Whats wrong?
Kathy:  To him, everyday is monkey day. Arctic wolf: Hi! I'm Jared, who are you? Anna: Hi Jared! I'm new here. My name is Anna. Jared: Hi Anna! I heard your the new girl here! Anna: I am! 
After a long conversation and a bunch of cheering from mister Scales, Me and Jared went behind the school where we thought we heard crying.
Voice: No! Leave me alone! Please stop! Anna: Who is that? I'm going to find out! 
Oliver: No! Please stop! I didn't do anything Scratch. Scratch: HA! Silly penguin! Now pay me at least 5 bucks! Oliver: I don't have to do that! I didn't do anything, you have got to believe me!  
Anna: Hey! Just what do you think your doing to the little bird! Scratch: Hey! Where did you come from?!?!
Jared: Stop this right now or you have to go through us first! Scratch: Ha! You silly wolves! Wait a second... The teachers watching isn't he? I'm not going near you! Oliver: Gee thanks guys! Nobody stands up for me because i'm the class nerd. Anna: Your no nerd to us! Lets be friends. Oliver: Yay! 
When we were walking home from school I saw someone I never wanted to see in a long time.
Who do you think she is? 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Random photos of me!

adopt your own virtual pet!
Here are some random photos and some of them are different versions of myself so tell me the one you like best!
 The original Anna.
 The real me.
 This is not me but you can make it your favorite if you like.
 Me as a funny looking dragon.
 Me as a dragon that looks better then above.
 This is me!
This is the pretty me.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Just a sad story :C

Hi guys. Something sad happened yesterday and I just wanted to tell someone. I was walking along when I saw the cat batting at something. I looked and I saw it was a bird! I thought it was dead so I didn't pay attention but then I saw it fluttering around! I know that its the way of a cat to kill things but I just felt so sorry for it! I picked it up and saw it was really hurt and it couldn't fly. I went to my mom to see what she would do and of course, she said it was the circle of life and it probably wouldn't live so I put it on the ground near a tree and I wen't home to wash my hands, but I didn't stop thinking about it. Its probably dead :C That is my sad story.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Plushie of the month sign ups again!

As you all probably know its the POTM sign ups again!
You remember how to sign up right?
Plushie: Anna
Color: Light Blue
Reason: I star a plushie blog.
I hope one lucky plushie wins!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Just a photo for Cupcakes blog.

Here Twinkle.
This is my photo for Goldie's party contest at Cupcakes Blog Rocks.
Lol! I though making Cupcakes link sound cool so I made it say *look above*
Please check it out! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Who was voted out?

The one who got voted out was.... Julie the brown fox! (Its Ok Cupcake, She is vegetarian and she doesn't like sugar XD)
Vote another plushie out!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fashion show!

I finished the fashion show! The theme is just the one that looks better then any of the rest!
 Comment call: Vote a plushie out!

Anna underwater.

Jim and Nancy: Princess Kathy! We found this stranger wandering in the courtyard!
Kathy: Jojo!!!! I didn't think we were going to ever meet again! Blue seal ( Jojo): Kathryn!!! Please help the ocean! Kathy: (Gasp) Is something wrong with it??? Jojo: Something is polluting it and I don't know what!!! Nancy: We will call Anna to go with you!
I was texting on my new pawpod. 
Nancy: ANNA!!! Anna: Augh!!!!!!
Jim: Put your Pawpod away! Anna: *Puts pawpod away quickly* Wow dad what do you want me for?
Jim: Kathy needs you now! 
Anna: Who is that seal Kathy? Kathy: This is Jojo! An old friends of mine!
Jojo: I need help finding out what's happening to the ocean! 
Anna: I'll totally help if something is wrong with nature! 
Kathy: You can open the portal for us, right?
Anna: But I can't breath underwater and I can't hold my breath that long!
Jim: Simple, When you go through the portal you can breath underwater for a short amount of time!
Anna: Awesome!!!! Nancy: Be safe!!!! Anna: (Sigh) I'll be fine mom.
Anna: (Opens portal with paws) Cool! It turned dark blue this time, I guess because of the ocean X3
Jojo and Kathryn: Lets go Anna! Anna: All right all right, lets go.
Nancy: Please be OK!!!!! Jim: Aw she can do it Nan! Nancy: I hope so.
Anna: Awesome! Wait, why is this contraption in the ocean?
Jojo: From now on, this ocean will be filled with salty tears! 
Kathy: Isn't it already salty? Jojo: Well i'm making it saltier!!!!
Anna: I've gotta rope! Lets use it to pull this thing out!

Kathy: Uhh Anna? Anna: Did you see that beautiful dolphin?
Jojo: I see them every day, Nothing unusual. Kathy: Lets pull the rope?!?!?!
Anna: Oh yeah, right! (See's a whale)

Anna: Its a whale!!!!!! I have never thought I would see one in real life!!!
Jojo: I see those every day too, Can we work now???!!
Anna: WOW! A swarm of fish! Jojo: I EAT THOSE EVERY DAY CAN WE GO NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
We managed to pull the thingamabob out of the ocean and breaking it in the process.
Anna: Here is an underwater portal! Kathy: Lets get out! 

The portal zapped us outside my home.
Anna: Yes! Now i'm prepared to get dried off!
Anna: Aww man! Its raining! 

We saw a weird horse wearing armor trotting up to us.
Horse: Halt! Freeze! Don't move! Kathy: excuse me!?! I am princess Kathryn for your info!
Horse: *Blushes* Sorry, I'm the new royal guard and I never met you guys yet, sorry!
Anna: Would you mind letting us in so we can dry off?!?!
Horse: Of course! My name is Matthew by the way! Kathy: Your a unicorn! I love unicorns!
Matthew: I'm embarrassed about that fact! Kathy: Why? Can't you do magic with your horn?
Matthew: No way! Unicorns doing magic with their horns is only a myth. Kathy: Ohhhh.
Matthew: *pops open dented umbrella hat*
Anna: . . . . .  Matthew: I used it a lot!
As we went inside, I told mom the whole story. Then mom said that I needed to get to bed for your big day tomorrow. I remembered I had to go to school tomorrow, I was sad because I missed my friends and my teacher. But I went to bed and dried myself off.