Friday, June 20, 2014

My sister's secret. Part 2.

My mother clicked a button and there, The room flipped over and a small castle appeared...

Anna: Mom, what's going on? Nancy: Now the secret is out. We are royalty. Anna: Huh?
Jim: Anna, We rule alone with Princess Kathrine. Princess Kathrine: Hi! I'm Kathrine, but you can call me Kathy, Princess Anna! Anna: But... Your a seal. Princess Kathy: My father was king before Arctic wolves came to Jamaa. He died when I was a baby :C Anna: Aww that is so sad! Princess Kathy: Yeah, But these arctic wolves found me and took me in and now I rule with them! Jim: Anna, you weren't  supposed to know about our royalty but now you know!
Just then a red button appeared and Nancy took one look and dashed over to it.
Nancy: Anna, Hold on a second. *pushes red button*
*Random portal appears out of nowhere*
Jim: *puts on crown* Anna, Look at the screen! Anna: *looks*
Katie: You fools! Nobody escapes my grasp!!! Animals:  AUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Animals: We obey Queen Katie..................... We obey Queen Katie.................. We obey Queen Katie...
Anna: I can't believe she's doing this! Nancy: Well, she is. Jim: Anna, We are transporting our powers from our crown onto yours. Anna: I don't even have a crown! Nancy: You will when you go through that portal!
 The powers mix.....                             Jim: Now open that portal and stop your sister!
Anna: *Steps into portal* 
Crown appears............ Anna: Katie! Why are you doing this?
Katie: Anna???? What in Jamaa are you doing here! 
Anna: To stop you! Katie: *Sigh* This again? 
Anna: I'll use these powers in this crown! Katie: What?!?!?! You have the crown???
Anna: Yes I do and I will use it against you if you don't turn into yourself again!
Katie: Never!!!! Anna: I don't want to do this but...
The magic of the two crowns started up and charged against each other.
Anna: Errrrrrr!!! Katie: No NOOOOOO!
Katie: Noooooooooooooooo! 
Anna: I have to banish you into the moon!
Katie: Wait that sounds like My little Pony.
Anna: Well... Yeah! Katie: Oh well, Noooooooo!
The evil princess was banished and Anna went back into the portal.
Nancy: What happened? Jim: We saw the moon change shape into a wolf and we wondered if....
Anna: No, Its OK dad! All of Jamaa will be safe for a long time!
Anna: But I had to banish Katie in the moon! And i'm just so sad she didn't turn good again!
Jim: Banished in the moon eh? Sounds like... Anna: My little pony, I know.
Nancy: At least we will be safe in Jamaa! Anna: Now I have to free the animals she hypnotized!
A few weeks after Katie's Banishment....
Nancy: Anna, Guess what? Anna: I don't know, What? 
Jim: Your going too a new school this Autumn! Anna: What?!?
Just then, I started to miss Mister Chimp, Tails, And all the kids at my old school.
What will my new teacher be like, and what animals will the kids be?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My sisters secret Part 1.

Happy fathers day jammers! And just in time too! Because that black arctic wolf is my dad!
The purple one is my real sister!
I saw she had a pet bunny. That reminded me, Parker was having a play date with Milky!
So I checked on them.

Anna: Parker! Milky! Milky you scratched up the pillow and Parker slobbered on it! You both are in time out! Then I went back.
Nancy: Anna, this is your father Jim and your sister Katie! 
Anna and Katie: Sisters!?!?!! Katie: Mom, don't tell me you adopted a girl without me! 
Nancy: Katie its your real sister remember? Katie: Oh yeah.... 
Anna: Stop keeping me in the dark and tell me what happened mom!
Nancy: Well, when you where a 3 year old pup, You got lost in the woods and we all thought you were dead! Nancy: And then i'm pretty sure your parents found you and sort of adopted you.
Anna: And I know the rest.  Katie: I forgot! I have to put my pet bunny named Bun in the pet place!
Anna: I can put him in there for you! Katie: No!! I mean, I can do it myself!
I wonder what they will think, A new pet. I hope they don't think I'll replace them!
Later... I got to know my new sister. She loves jokes and she loves sweet barbecue steaks, and she loves raw even better!  But I can't help feeling she's keeping something from me...
Anna: Hi Katie! I brought you your favorite raw steak! What are you writing?
Katie: Nothing you should know! 
I was so surprised at Katie's reaction that I threw the steak in the air and it landed on my head.

 Katie: Now leave Anna! I got so mad the steak began to cook on my head.
The next day....
Nancy: Anna, wake up! Anna: Mmmrrfff... What?
Jim: Its Katie, She ran of into the woods!
Anna: Oh no! We have to find her! We wen't into the forest unprepared for the surprise we will meet.
Anna: Katie what have you done? Katie: I'm jealous of you!
Anna: What?!?! Katie: All the time I was next in line to become the ruler of the arctic wolf kingdom, Untill YOU came along! Anna: Arctic wolf kingdom? What are you talking about? 
Katie: Ha ha ha! You don't know our parents are royalty? I was the one who hid you in the woods!
I was the one who was writing that code to destroy you! And now I will rule my kingdom of Phantoms!!!
Anna: No Katie DON'T!!!!! Katie: Fool!! I am now Queen Katie, And I will go into this phantom portal and destroy your side of the family!!!!! Anna: KATIE NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim: Katie, what is happening to you? 
Nancy: What happened? Creature: ROOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anna: K-K-Katie, Is that you? Creature: If you want to see your sister again come to the top of the hill!
Anna: Please Katie! Don't turn to the bad side now!
Katie: Your too late fool, My phantoms are here to take me to the phantom portal, there I shall RULE!!!!!!
Anna: No Katie. No, Please no!
What should I do?


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Escape from slavery.

Anna: So guys, Have you ever tried to get out? All horses: Yes. Anna: Then why don't you try again?
Jumbo: Listen kid. I have seen everything, My brother selling me into slavery isn't Unusual.
Anna: Huh? Purple horse: His bro is evil don't you get that??? Anna: Who are you? Purple horse:
I am Grapes, That black horse is Muzzle, The orange one is Rowly, The blue one is Alex, And the red one is Chelsea. Anna: Hey! Isn't  that the baby owl who lives on my roof?
Baby owl: Hi, (Huff puff) Anna!  Anna: Hello Pepper! Why are you here?
Pepper: I was (pant pant) Teaching myself how to fly!!!! Anna: Well good for you!
Muzzle: Uhhh, Can you help us get out of here? Pepper: Oh being sold as a slave huh? Did your mom say you can be sold? Anna: Of course not! And how did you know we were being sold as slaves?
Pepper: The yellow sign, Duh. Anna: He changed the sign again? Oh brother!
Grapes: Ehem???? Anna: Oh! Can you help us get out? Pepper: Mmmm, No.
Anna: Come on Pepper! Pepper: Nope. Anna: -Sigh- Help us BUST out. Pepper:  Now your talking owl! Pepper: I'm going to fly away Goodbye! Anna: PEPPER WAIT! Ugh.
Pepper: Gotta fly to my friends! 
Pepper: Mom! Moehawk! Vine! Snap! Dad! There is an emergency! 
Black eagle: That's Moe! Not hawk! Silver eagle: Whatever! 

Pepper: Miss Nancy, Anna is being sold as a slave with some horses! 
Nancy: Oh my goodness! 
Anna: Mom? Dad? Nancy? Ella Tracy and Bootz?????
Nancy: I'll save you! Anna: How embarrassing.

All: Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anna: What happened to Mordred? 
Mordred: I must escape! Officer charge: Not so fast! 
Mordred: Huh!?!? Eagles: You are under arrest!!!
Anna: Thanks guys! But who is who? Silver eagle: I'm Pepper's mother, Silver. Pepper's father Salty is the blue eagle. The Brown one is Snap, the green one is Vine, and last but not least Moe the hawk!
Anna: Well thank you all! Nancy: Anna, its time to come home for a surprise!
We came home and this is what I saw.
Who are these wolves and how come mother seems so pleased their here?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The winner!

Hi guys!!! I changed the blog look, how do you like it? I'm here to announce the winner of the Plushie of the month contest! Jane the pink eagle is the POTM! You can see her from the bottom of the blog, Great job to everyone who entered! (Plus Jane and June sounds nice together!)  My next post will be on the weekends so be sure to check back in on Saturday or Sunday!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sign ups!!!

Hi, guys! Sorry to pause the cliff hanger but I wanted to tell you that I am making a Plushie of the month contest! (Potm for short) All you have to do is sign up your favorite Plushie and I will take a picture of her/him and put it on the bottom of the blog! Example: Plushie: Anna. Light blue arctic wolf plushie. Gender: Female. Reason; I am the star of a plushie blog and I have always wanted to be Potm!
May the best plushie win!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The truth about my parents.

Anna: Whats wrong? Tracy: Mom, Dad, your crying!
Cori: We are not your real parents!!! 
Anna and Tracy: What?!?  Tigerclaw: Its true. 
Cori: We called your real parents. They will pick you up.
After mom and dad dropped the bombshell on us I couldn't say anything.
How would you feel like If your parents aren't your real ones and your sister that you figured out had powers isn't your real sister. I felt like crying. 
Ding-dong.  Cori: *sniff sniff* I think those are your real parents.
Arctic wolf: Is Anna here?  Anna: Who are you? 
Arctic wolf: I'm Nancy Johnson. Are you Anna Johnson? 
Anna: Mom? Nancy: Anna! *hugs* 
Meanwhile Tracy had another story... 

Fox: I'm Julie and I'm here for my daughter Tracy with powers.
Tracy: How do I know your my real mom? 
Julie: I have earth power! Tracy: Mom! 
My mom went back to the forest, and so did the foxes. I was going to. I didn't want to leave my other parents. Anna: Mom, Dad, I don't want to leave you! 
Tigerclaw: You need to stay with your real parent!
Anna: I'll miss you! Cori: I know dear, I know.
We moved to a small tree-house. This is my moms room.
She even gave me a kitten named Milky.
My new mom gave me a pogo stick and she filled Milky's bowl with milk!
Milky: Mew mew!  
Oh and there Is a family of eagles with a baby owl on the roof!

 Anna: Mother!
Nancy: Yes sweetie? Anna: Can I take a walk? 
Nancy: All right, but be back in time for dinner
So I went, but little did I know what adventure lies ahead...
I saw a horse selling slaves! I thought Abraham plushie stopped slavery in jamaa!
And the horse who was selling them looked like one of the slaves himself.
Anna:What on earth do you think your doing? 
Horse: I'm Mordred and I'm selling slaves, what does It look like?
Anna: Selling slaves is wrong! And why is there a horse that looks like you in the slave place?
Mordred: He's my brother Jumbo. Anna: Selling your brother is even worse then... Augh!!!

My great rescue didn't turn out so well...
What do I do? 

Friday, June 6, 2014

The search for the missing foxes.

Last time the gang were talking in their club, but then a thump and the foxes were gone!
Anna: Bootz!!!!! Ella!!!!!! Tracy!!!!! Where are you?  Anthony: hey look! A glow from the woods!
We checked it out. 

Anna: -Gasp. Mister Chimp: Help!!! Tails: Daddy!
Red Eyed Monkey Hello, Anna! I am Drex, the evil monkey! MUAHAHAHA!!!
Anna: What are you doing to my friends And (unfortunately) My teacher!?!!? 
Drex: Oh a guess you don't know that these three foxes have special Powers?
Bootz: Mmm mmm mmmmm!! Anna: what?  \
Tigerclaw: -roars- Enough!!! 

I got Drex, mom and dad got Bulk, Anthony and Bocks got doctor Frankenstein, 
and Tails free'd his dad and the foxes. 
Officer Charge: Freeze! You have the rights to remain silent...
Drex: You haven't seen the last of me Anna!
Anna: I still wonder how he knew my name.  Anthony: Lets go home!

Anna: They look so happy, but now they won't play with me anymore...
Anna: I still wonder how Tracy will sleep in the house without freezing it. 
Just then, a paw grabbed me and pulled me into the house. 
Anna: Mom? Dad? Cori: Anna, we need to talk.
Tigerclaw: And its urgent! 
What did mom and dad want to tell me? How is it urgent?
Comment on what you think will happen.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I'm going to school today!
Its not that bad...  

His son Tails isn't bad but he makes us read the creepiest history books of other schools!
Mister chimp: Today Is Anna's turn to read history to Tails, my son.
Anna: Oh boy -thinks-
Anna: -reads- In one school there was a teacher named Mr Burke. He was really rude and kept getting a cheetah named Pepsi in trouble, He teaches at plushie high school.
Anna: -reads on- And at another school there was a teacher named Mister Blek and he was the most evil one of all! He tried to get rid of Blu! (my hero) By having him swallowed by a robot shark and putting him in a volcano! 
Mister chimp: Umm that will be enough reading! -slams book on paw-
Anna: Ow!  Now its time for lunch!
Later that day.... 

Anthony: Now I declare for the MF club to have a meeting!
Bocks: Do you know why mister chimp acted so weird when Anna read about the mean teachers?
Bootz: Yeah, he Isn't usually that funny. Anna: I don't know. Perhaps he's ashamed to be hearing about bad teachers! Anthony: I don't think so....
Then suddenly we heard a thump, and we checked it out.
Bootz, Tracy and Ella were gone!
Comment on what you think will happen next!