Saturday, September 27, 2014

Screech's life.

Hello. I am Screech. I know it sounds kind of weird "Screech" and all but Please don't make fun of my name! Please all plushies of Jamaa don't freak out when you see that i'm a night owl. If you think night owl means OWL then your wrong. I'm from Myraid. Not Jamma. Now lets stop with this and start the story.

Screech: Zzzzzzzz

Screech: -Yawns- Well... Time to eat!
Screech: -Flies away-

 Screech: Leaps to prey kills, and eats.
Screech: This rabbit is old anyway... Voice: Help! Help me, somebody please!!! AHHHH!
Screech: Huh?!?! I better go check it out!! -flies away to voice-
Human girl: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Help! Dragon: -Roars and attempts to bite girl-
Screech: -Thinks- Its a human! But it needs help! Screech: -screeches- BACK OFF!
Dragon: -Flies at Screech with teeth bared- Screech: Don't lay a claw on her!!! -scratches dragon enough to scare it off-
Dragon: -sees other humans and flee's- 
Screech: Augh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Other Human: -Whaps Screech with whip- Ya! Get away!!!!!! -takes girl to home- Girl: But wait Mister!!! Screech: -Flies away-
Screech: -flies into nearby cave- 
Screech: -Looks at wound on back- Ow... -huddles up into a corner of cave and sobs-
Why does everyone hate me? I was trying to help her! Why is this so confusing! I want to go home!
Screech: -Hears noise outside of cave-
Screech: Huh? What was that? Who's there? -steps out of cave-