Friday, June 20, 2014

My sister's secret. Part 2.

My mother clicked a button and there, The room flipped over and a small castle appeared...

Anna: Mom, what's going on? Nancy: Now the secret is out. We are royalty. Anna: Huh?
Jim: Anna, We rule alone with Princess Kathrine. Princess Kathrine: Hi! I'm Kathrine, but you can call me Kathy, Princess Anna! Anna: But... Your a seal. Princess Kathy: My father was king before Arctic wolves came to Jamaa. He died when I was a baby :C Anna: Aww that is so sad! Princess Kathy: Yeah, But these arctic wolves found me and took me in and now I rule with them! Jim: Anna, you weren't  supposed to know about our royalty but now you know!
Just then a red button appeared and Nancy took one look and dashed over to it.
Nancy: Anna, Hold on a second. *pushes red button*
*Random portal appears out of nowhere*
Jim: *puts on crown* Anna, Look at the screen! Anna: *looks*
Katie: You fools! Nobody escapes my grasp!!! Animals:  AUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Animals: We obey Queen Katie..................... We obey Queen Katie.................. We obey Queen Katie...
Anna: I can't believe she's doing this! Nancy: Well, she is. Jim: Anna, We are transporting our powers from our crown onto yours. Anna: I don't even have a crown! Nancy: You will when you go through that portal!
 The powers mix.....                             Jim: Now open that portal and stop your sister!
Anna: *Steps into portal* 
Crown appears............ Anna: Katie! Why are you doing this?
Katie: Anna???? What in Jamaa are you doing here! 
Anna: To stop you! Katie: *Sigh* This again? 
Anna: I'll use these powers in this crown! Katie: What?!?!?! You have the crown???
Anna: Yes I do and I will use it against you if you don't turn into yourself again!
Katie: Never!!!! Anna: I don't want to do this but...
The magic of the two crowns started up and charged against each other.
Anna: Errrrrrr!!! Katie: No NOOOOOO!
Katie: Noooooooooooooooo! 
Anna: I have to banish you into the moon!
Katie: Wait that sounds like My little Pony.
Anna: Well... Yeah! Katie: Oh well, Noooooooo!
The evil princess was banished and Anna went back into the portal.
Nancy: What happened? Jim: We saw the moon change shape into a wolf and we wondered if....
Anna: No, Its OK dad! All of Jamaa will be safe for a long time!
Anna: But I had to banish Katie in the moon! And i'm just so sad she didn't turn good again!
Jim: Banished in the moon eh? Sounds like... Anna: My little pony, I know.
Nancy: At least we will be safe in Jamaa! Anna: Now I have to free the animals she hypnotized!
A few weeks after Katie's Banishment....
Nancy: Anna, Guess what? Anna: I don't know, What? 
Jim: Your going too a new school this Autumn! Anna: What?!?
Just then, I started to miss Mister Chimp, Tails, And all the kids at my old school.
What will my new teacher be like, and what animals will the kids be?


  1. Aww poor Anna starting at a new school is always hard ! Maybe Anna meets a bully and makes a friend that is also bullied and they go to school camp! :3

  2. Great issue! Wait, how did Anna free the animals that Katie hypnotized? Yeah, starting at a new school is pretty hard.. I've changed school many times due to moving, but it's also fun and adventurous when you meet new friends and everything changes! I can't wait to see Anna's new school. I hope that the new teacher is nice...

  3. Poor Anna and XD My Little Pony XD
